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On My Door Mat (Since the Mailman Likes to Invade Boundaries Established By Fencing)

This is a legitimate change in a conventional title. Seriously. There are Pringles tubes with a wider girth than my mailbox, and I would like to say that my postman was not a total creeper and considered the etiquette in just placing packages atop the cube that is my mailbox instead of singing Queen continually, loudly (and tunelessly) right up below my bedroom window and placing them on my doormat. But I can't.

Ergo, my books arrive on my door mat.

Basically, In My Mailbox is a weekly-monthly-bimonthly-seasonal meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren, and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Some write on their blogs, some write on napkins, some podcast or vlog or comment or tweet I suppose. I, however, have decided that I talk far too much and so I will be vlogging mime-style and adding notes here. Now, due to the overwhelming lack of books that I have bought lately, these are all the books that I plan on doing things with that I have been neglecting.

So, without further ado: On My Door Mat I.

From Harpercollins:

  • ARC of HADES by Alexandra Adornetto (Which is not very advanced, mind you.)
From Penguin Marie Lu:
  • ARC of LEGEND by Marie Lu (Signed, too!)
  • RED GLOVE by Holly Black (Curseworkers#2)
  • MATCHED by Ally Condie

In regard to plans, you can expect a character and feminism themed post on HADES, a rave review of RED GLOVE, MATCHED and LEGEND, and, with GIRL IN THE STEEL CORSET, a deconstruction of how superheroes don't seem to be relating across into YA fiction well at all. So, lots of fun. Also, I am planning either a giveaway of HADES or LEGEND. Maybe both.

Watching back, I keep looking at Robert Downey Jr. on the wall behind me. Egad!

I will refrain from posting another one of these ONDM (Look at that! Already got an acronym) until early October, due to the fact that I would like to throw all of my birthday books together in one go, and I won't be getting any in the mail on my door mat until then anyways.

So, what's on your door mat?


  1. We have Legend but haven't found time for it yet!!!

    Here's our IMM

  2. i really want to read legend and hades. awesome IMM this week. enjoy and happy reading!

    i hope you can stop by our IMM this week.


  3. I also found myself staring at Robert Downey Jr. Yum!!

    Great books, I look forward to your reviews.

    Check out my IMM here.

    Emma @ LostinaYAbook


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